Her bütçeye uygun 3D yazıcı: da Vinci Nano

Her bütçeye uygun 3D yazıcı: da Vinci Nano

CES 2018’i boş geçmeyen XYZprinting, son model 3D yazıcılarıyla hemen her bütçedeki kullanıcıya hitap etmeyi amaçlıyor. Üç yeni ürünü tanıtan firma 3D baskı teknolojisini kullanıcılarla buluşturuyor.

Geliştirdiği teknolojilerle 3D baskı dünyasında heyecan uyandıran XYZprinting, yeni nesil ürünlerini görücüye çıkardı. Firmanın en çok merak edilen 3D yazıcı modellerinden biri da Vinci Nano. Bütçe dostu fiyatı ve “tak kullan” yapısıyla öne çıkan da Vinci Nano, portatif bir gövdeyle geliyor. 230 dolar yurt dışı satış fiyatına sahip olan ürün tek renk baskılar alabiliyor. Giriş seviyesi bir model olan da Vinci Nano, 3D baskı teknolojisiyle buluşmak isteyen ancak düşük bütçeli bir alternatif arayanlar için ideal modeller arasında yer alıyor. Otomatik kalibrasyon ve otomatik beslemeli filament sistemi sayesinde kullanım kolaylığını da ön planda tutuyor. XYZmaker Mobile uygulamasıyla kontrol edilebilen da Vinci Nano ile akıllı telefondan baskı almak da mümkün. Wi-Fi bağlantısıyla telefona bağlanabilen cihaz aynı zamanda eğitim alanında da rahatlıkla kullanılabilecek cinsten.

Tam renkli 3D yazıcı

Firma bütçe dostu modeli dışında bir de kullanıcılarla 4 bin dolarlık fiyata sahip tam renkli 3D yazıcı modelini buluşturuyor. Masaüstü yazıcı modeli da Vinci Color AiO, daha profesyonel baskılar almak isteyen kullanıcılara hitap ediyor. da Vinci Full Color modelinde olduğu gibi renkleri filamente enjekte eden bir teknoloji kullanıyor. Bu sayede baskıları istediğiniz renkte almak mümkün oluyor.

Firmanın tanıttığı üçüncü ürünse 3D baskı kalemi. da Vinci 3D Pen Cool, 45 dolar yurt dışı fiyatına sahip. Daha genç kullanıcılara hitap eden kalem, çalışmalarına yeni bir boyut katmak isteyenler için ideal. Ayrıca bu versiyon güvenliği artırmak adına ek bir ısı modifikasyon özelliğine sahip. Her üç ürünün de bu sene içinde satışa sunulması bekleniyor.


8 Ocak 2018 Pazartesi

3D Printed Door Latch has One Moving Part – Itself!

15 Eylül 2016 Perşembe

3D yazıcıyla üretilen ilaç ABD’de onaylandı

3D yazıcıyla üretilen ilaç ABD’de onaylandı
Üç boyutlu yazıcıların kullanım alanı oldukça çeşitli ve bu teknolojinin önümüzdeki yıllarda birçok sektörde köklü değişiklikler yaratması bekleniyor. ABD Gıda ve İlaç İdaresi’de bu tezi doğrular nitelikte bir karar açıklayarak, ülkede üç boyutlu yazıcı ile üretilen ilk hapı onayladığını duyurdu. Aprecia Pharmaceuticals şirketi tarafından üretilen üç boyutlu tablet ilaç, hastaların epilepsi nöbetlerini kontrol altında tutmalarına […]
5 Ağustos 2015 Çarşamba

Dünyanın 3D yazıcıyla üretilen ilk süper otomobili [Video]

blade3D yazıcıların en çok kullanıldığı alanlardan biri hiç şüphesiz otomobil sektörü. Büyük firmalar bazı otomobil parçalarını 3D yazıcı ile üreterek hem maliyeti azaltıyor hem de üretimi hızlandırıyor. Yeni üretilen Blade ismindeki otomobil ise “node” teknolojisiyle geliştirilen ilk süper otomobil olma özelliğini taşıyor.  Tüm otomobil bu teknolojiyle birlikte tek parçayla değil, ayrı parçalar halinde geliştiriliyor. Alüminyum parçalardan oluşan eklem noktaları, fiber parçalarla birbirine bağlanıyor ve böylece çok hafif bir şasi elde edilmiş oluyor. Geliştiricilerin belirttiğine göre otomobil hemen hemen her materyalle üretilebiliyor. Önemli olan tek nokta ise şasinin belirtilen özelliklere sahip olması. Gövdenin karbon fiberden üretilmiş olması otomobilin çok hafif olmasını sağlıyor. Yalnızca 635 kilogram ağırlığında olan otomobilde 700 beygirlik, sıkıştırılmış doğalgaz ve benzin ile çalışabilen güçlü bir motor yer alıyor. San Francisco merkezli girişim olan Divergent Microfactories’in tasarladığı otomobilden ilk aşamada sınırlı sayıda üretileceği ifade ediliyor. Ancak ileride üretimi artırmak istedikleri belirtiliyor. VİDEO
25 Haziran 2015 Perşembe

Get and share optimal Slicer settings with SlicerShare

25 Ocak 2015 Pazar

Shanghai-based Winsun 3D Prints 6-Story Apartment Building and an Incredible Home

18 Ocak 2015 Pazar

Add an operation system directly to your 3D printer with Photon Elephant new kit

While many standard 3D Printers are great machines to play around with, things can get a bit repetitive after a while. This is especially the case if you purchase a standard machine, as so many of us do. If you recognize yourself in that, you might have also dreamt about getting your hands on a more advanced model with some of those wonderful new features that are being added to 3D printers nowadays – like WiFi connections, Pause/Resume functions or full-color options.

This article Add an operation system directly to your 3D printer with Photon Elephant’s new kit is first published at 3ders.org.

14 Ocak 2015 Çarşamba

How to make 3d printed replacment car key

13 Ocak 2015 Salı

FreeLSS open source DIY 3d scanner with 3d printed parts and Raspberry Pi

12 Ocak 2015 Pazartesi

Shapeways Rolls Out New Suite of Tools for Checking 3D Models

9 Ocak 2015 Cuma

Slic3r - Advanced perimeter tuning - 3D Printing tutorial

8 Ocak 2015 Perşembe

Using DC motors to replace steppers on x and y axis

5 Ocak 2015 Pazartesi
3 Ocak 2015 Cumartesi

Toy designer uses 3D printer to quickly produce ball-jointed doll designs

When 3D printing first hit the mainstream market, a large population began their journey into at-home manufacturing by printing one-piece, non-moving objects such as toys that stand on a base but have no movable features. Since then, as 3D modeling tools have become easier to use and 3D printers easier to control, many people have been exploring the possibilities of creating objects with movable joints, such as doll toys with movable joints.

This article Toy designer uses 3D printer to quickly produce ball-jointed doll designs is first published at 3ders.org.

2 Ocak 2015 Cuma

New 3D Printing Technique – Friction Welding

Even though 3D printers can fabricate complex shapes that would be nearly impossible to mill, they are not well suited to designs requiring bridging or with large empty spaces. To overcome this, [Scorch] has applied an easy plastic welding technique that works with both ABS and PLA. All you need is a rotary tool.

“Friction welding” is the process of rubbing two surfaces together until the friction alone has created enough heat to join them. Industrially, the method is applied to joining large, metal workpieces that would otherwise require a time-consuming weld. In 2012, [Fran] reminded us of a toy …read more

31 Aralık 2014 Çarşamba

Build your own Oddbot, a 3D printable omnidirectional robot

Olaf Diegel has created a very cool 3D printing project that is specifically designed to be 3D printable on almost every type of 3D printer. Anyone looking for an original robotic printing project should definitely check out his Oddbot.

This article Build your own Oddbot, a 3D printable omnidirectional robot is first published at 3ders.org.

28 Aralık 2014 Pazar

Researchers expect to commercialize graphene 3D nano printers in three years

Last month, a team from the Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute (KERI), published a revolutionary approach to 3D print nanostructures entirely of graphene in the November 33, 2014 edition of Advanced Materials. The approach involves using the stretched liquid meniscus of ink to fabricate 3D reduced graphene oxide (rGO) nanowires.

This article Researchers expect to commercialize graphene 3D nano printers in three years is first published at 3ders.org.

25 Aralık 2014 Perşembe

BadPrinter2 - PLA part with PVA support

Sample printed part with PVA filament as support.

From: BadDevices

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Time: 02:31 More in People & Blogs

20 Aralık 2014 Cumartesi

New Desktop Grinder, Plastic Recycler and Filament Extruder Launches on Indiegogo

By Scott J Grunewald

A new startup called ReDeTec has just launched an Indiegogo campaign hoping to crowdsource funds to begin production on the ProtoCycler. The desktop filament extruder can be fed with raw material pellets, or is capable of recycling failed, broken or extraneous prints using the built in plastic grinder. According to ReDeTec using the ProtoCycler can reduce the cost of a kilogram spool of filament to just $5.

There are plenty of desktop filament extruders and several plastic grinders on the market, but so far nothing has really set itself apart as the product to beat.…

The original post New Desktop Grinder, Plastic Recycler and Filament Extruder Launches on Indiegogo appeared first on 3D Printing Industry.

19 Aralık 2014 Cuma

Pyramidal shape algorithm removes need for 3D print material support

In most cases, if you were to 3D print a plastic christmas tree using an FDM method, the end result wouldn’t look too much like an actual tree; it would probably more closely resemble a box residing underneath the christmas tree.

This article Pyramidal shape algorithm removes need for 3D print material support is first published at 3ders.org.

12 Aralık 2014 Cuma

RAMBo electronics DIY 3d printable testing jig

Sli3DR 3d printer by RichRap

2 Aralık 2014 Salı

BigRep successfully closed seed financing round for large-scale 3D printer

BigRep, a Berlin based startup for full scale 3D printing, has announced this week that it has successfully received its first round of seed financing.

This article BigRep successfully closed seed financing round for large-scale 3D printer is first published at 3ders.org.

29 Kasım 2014 Cumartesi

Coat Your Prints with XTC-3D for A Clean Finish


3D printing privately can be one of the more rewarding practices available. It immediately connects cutting-edge technology with hobby enthusiasts. Unfortunately, there can be a disparity in finished product quality depending on the capabilities and dependability of the 3D printer being used. To assuage this divide, Reynolds Advanced Materials now offers the XTC-3D brush-on coating at the eight locations currently operating in the U.S. The liquid effectively fills striations and provides a smooth finish for 3D prints.

The ingredients and starter kit are reasonably priced and arrive complete with the necessary tools for immediate use.…

The original post Coat Your Prints with XTC-3D for A Clean Finish appeared first on 3D Printing Industry.

16 Kasım 2014 Pazar

Sculpteo Introduces a New Thickening Tool for 3D Printable Models

14 Kasım 2014 Cuma

New Project: Rainbow Extrusion: Coloring 3D Printer Filament

rainbow-extrusion-robots A quick and classroom-safe way to add color to your prints is using Sharpie markers to color transparent or white filament. While there are 3D-printable adapters that color filament as it enters the extruder, it’s easy to color the filament by hand.

Read more on MAKE

12 Kasım 2014 Çarşamba
24 Ekim 2014 Cuma

trinckle 3D’s Free Error Detection Service: No More Misprints!

19 Ekim 2014 Pazar

Stickfilament Launches New Stronger-Than-ABS High Strength PLA


Innovation (and business) happens when someone finds a way to fill a need. In the 3D printing industry this seems to be happening continuously at all levels. Within the booming desktop 3D printing sector this need is making PLA — the easiest, most biocompatible and most widely adopted thermopolymer for 3D printing — more resistant to stress, humidity and temperature. After working on it for a few months, that is what Design For Craft, the company behind the stick filament brand did.…

The original post Stickfilament Launches New Stronger-Than-ABS High Strength PLA appeared first on 3D Printing Industry.

6 Ekim 2014 Pazartesi
2 Ekim 2014 Perşembe

Easy method for acetone smoothing an ABS 3d printed model

25 Eylül 2014 Perşembe

OpenBuilds, How Open Hardware Revolutionized Linear Motion


The maker universe has never given itself a limit, it encompasses every creative possibility, digital or otherwise, additive or subtractive, the freedom to do, and sometimes to complicate, is on the agenda, which is the precondition for fun, for experimenting, for presenting a result to personal satisfaction. OpenBuilds is one the clearest representations that is making this possible. (I’m anxiously awaiting the Maker Faires in New York and Rome, can you tell?)

We all know that 3D printing has been playing a primary role in shaping the Maker movement in recent years and I believe this is because it has been the tool that has really sparked the imagination of the entire DIY community — Land also had an interesting take on this theme in his article yesterday.…

The original post OpenBuilds, How Open Hardware Revolutionized Linear Motion appeared first on 3D Printing Industry.

20 Eylül 2014 Cumartesi
19 Eylül 2014 Cuma
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